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Ealing Central and Acton Workers Party candidate Nada Jarche on why she wants to become MP

On 4 July 2024, the UK electorate goes to the polls to vote for who they want as their Member of Parliament. 

EALING.NEWS has asked all candidates standing in the three Ealing constituencies of Ealing Central and Acton, Ealing North and Ealing Southall 7 questions about who they are, what they hope to deliver and why they want residents to vote for them. 

Nada Jarche standing for the Workers Party in Ealing Central and Acton answers the 7 questions:

Tell us a bit about yourself, your priorities for the constituency and why you want to be the next member of Parliament for Ealing Central and Acton?
I am Nada Jarche, a dedicated public servant with a background in community activism and social justice. My priorities for Ealing Central and Acton include promoting economic growth, actively improving the local environment, and providing strong assistance for small and medium-sized businesses. Additionally, I am committed to prioritising funds in education, focusing on developing skills that are in high demand. I want to be the next MP to bring a fresh perspective and dedicated advocacy for the issues that matter most to our community.

What motivates you?
I am motivated by the desire to make a tangible difference in people’s lives. Seeing the positive impact of effective policies and community projects drives me to work harder. The resilience and diversity of our community inspire me daily to fight for equity and justice. Encouraging greater participation and engagement from young people in decision-making processes, and ensuring their voices are heard and valued, is also a significant motivator for me.

What is your own personal connection to either Ealing Central and Acton or any other part of the borough?
Because my family and friends reside in Ealing Central and Acton, I have developed a special bond with the area. Living close to Ealing Central and Acton made it possible for me to engage in community service projects and develop closer bonds with locals. As well as establishing close relationships with people of different ages, races, and religions throughout the borough. I was inspired by the urge to create a change for both the current and future generations as a result of being able to comprehend the needs and challenges of the people on a deeper level. Residents of Ealing Central and Acton have endured a great deal of distress in silence since no one is ready to listen to them or even to help. I’m willing to reach out to all locals in order to ensure that we come together and work as a team to improve Ealing Central and Acton.

What do you consider to be your 5 top political or personal achievements and what impact have they had? (candidate responded with the following to the question)

My personal achievements and my plan for the residents:

Through volunteering in the Hounslow Race and Equalities council, it allows me to gain experience working with a variety of different backgrounds and listening to their problems. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to be involved in a scrutiny board (HFTRA). This gave me the skills of listening to residents’ issues and try find a solution with them, working hand in hand with the council.

Housing affordability:
With home costs 14.4 times the yearly income, Acton has been recognised as the most expensive town since 2022. My goal is to address the high cost of living that locals must endure and lower the cost of housing.

Violent crime:
The residents of the borough are extremely concerned about their safety because the CCTV cameras and street lights are not functioning properly. In order to guarantee public safety, the borough needs CCTV cameras and modern, reliable street lighting. Furthermore, in order to make the community a safer place for everyone, we must collaborate closely with the police.

My goal is to enhance hospital and general practitioner services, including A&E. Keeping older people out of care facilities and allowing them to get the assistance and care they require in the comfort of their own homes. In addition, I want to help individuals get the proper care to mitigate the long-term effects of COVID-19 and protect and enhance people’s physical and emotional well-being.

Work in the community and young people:
My goal is to revive youth clubs in the borough so that young people can acquire skills and self-assurance and have a fully equipped, secure place to go anytime they want. My objective is to increase green spaces in the borough, which will make it cleaner and provide the community more places to gather, as part of my community work. I also want to bring cultures and communities together.

What do you consider to be the top 5 challenges Ealing Central and Acton faces and how will you as the MP address them?

1. Affordable Housing: Advocate for policies that increase affordable housing availability.

2. Healthcare Access: Work to improve funding and resources for local healthcare services.

3. Education Quality: Push for more funding and better facilities in local schools.

4. Public Transportation: Improve and expand public transportation options to reduce congestion and pollution.

5. Crime Reduction: Collaborate with law enforcement and community groups to enhance safety measures and youth engagement programs.

What do you love about the borough of Ealing?
I love Ealing’s vibrant diversity, rich cultural heritage, and a strong sense of community. The green spaces, bustling markets, and local festivals make it a wonderful place to live and work.

How accessible will you be to Ealing Central and Acton residents and how can they get in contact with you now and if elected how will you ensure you are accessible to them in the future?
I am committed to being highly accessible to residents. Currently, they can contact me via email and social media. If elected, I will hold regular constituency surgeries, maintain an open-door policy at my office, and ensure multiple channels of communication, including a dedicated phone line and regular community meetings. I pledge to listen and engage with every voice in the community by actively participating in frequent meetings and engaging in conversations.

Click here for all Ealing Central and Acton candidates standing.

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