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Students celebrate GCSE success at West London College

Hundreds of students from West London College have been getting their GCSE results today (24 August 2023) in person as well as online and celebrating their personal success.

Khloe and Aiesha. Photo: West London College
Khloe and Aiesha. Photo: West London College

Khloe Datig (17) comes from the Philippines and took her GCSEs in English and Maths for the first time, as well as studying for her Health and Social Care Diploma Level 1.

Khloe said: “I was aiming for Grade 4 in English and Maths and I achieved Grade 7 in both. This is fantastic news for me because it means that I can probably progress straight to Health and Social Care Level 3.”

As well as focusing on her studies, Khloe helps others too as the West London College Students’ Union (WLCSU) Head of Education. After completing her Health and Social Care Level 3, Khloe plans to study Nursing at university.

Aiesha Mechure (17) is from Philippines too. She is the WLCSU Deputy Head of Education and works alongside Khloe. They’re both on the same course and Aiesha wants to become a nurse too.

Aiesha said: “I was so excited to pass my English and Maths GCSEs. Now I can spend time focusing on my other subjects.”

Aiesha achieved Grade 5 in her GCSE Maths and Grade 6 in her GCSE English.


Oleksandr Vengeruk (17), Ivan Nazaruk (17) and Viktoriia Tokan (17) are all from Ukraine, studying ICT Level 2.

Oleksandr and Viktoriia study at Hammersmith and Fulham College, and Ivan is at Ealing Green. While none of them liked maths in Ukraine; they are doing well at West London College.

Ivan says: “When I came to the UK I knew I needed to work hard and to get good grades. Maths is more practical here. You’re not allowed to use calculators at all in Ukraine.”

Oleksandr, Viktoriia and Ivan all achieved Grade 6 in their GCSE Maths.

They all plan to go to university to study computer science. Oleksandr wants to work in cyber security, and Ivan and Viktoriia want to become computer programmers.

(L-R) Shreyas, Chris, Kira, Khadija. Photo: West London College
(L-R) Shreyas, Chris, Kira, Khadija. Photo: West London College

Some of West London College’s Key Stage 4 Year 11 students study the equivalent of six GCSEs in English, Maths, Double Science, RE and Sociology, as well as their Trinity Arts Bronze Award.

Shreyas Vartia (16) came to the UK in September 2022 from India when his father’s company asked him to relocate. Shreyas achieved the following GCSE grades: Double Science 9/8, Maths 9, RE 8, Sociology 7, and English 6.

Khadija Arslan, was born in Ealing and moved to Pakistan when she was ten. Her family returned to the UK a few years ago. Khadija was homeschooled for a while before joining West London College in Year 11.

Khadija achieved the following grades in her GCSEs: Double Science 9/8,Sociology 9, RE 8, Maths 8, and English 6.

Chris DSouza came to the UK from Abu Dhabi when her mother took a new job. Chris plans to work in medicine one day. Chris achieved the following GCSE grades: Double Science 8/7, RE 7, Maths 6, Sociology 6, and English 4,

Kira Dunbar was homeschooled for most of her secondary education. When she reached Year 11 she joined West London College.

Kira achieved the following grades in her GCSEs: Double Science 7/7, Sociology 6, and RE 5. In both English and Maths, Kira achieved Grade 6.

Shreyas and Chris say the best thing about College was the great friendships they had made.

Chris said: “There are so many people from different places and we all get on really well.”

Khadija and Kira praised the support they had received from their teachers.

Kira said: “My teachers really helped me to adjust from homeschool to College, as when I first came here it was a little overwhelming.”

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