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Public consultation starts for phases 4-9 of Berkeley Group’s The Green Quarter in Southall

A consultation for phases 4-9 of Southall’s The Green Quarter has started with locals being invited to express their views on ideas being proposed which could see up to 5,000 additional homes being created on top of the existing 2,538 that have been built or are still being built in phases 1-3.

Of the 2,538 homes, 768 are affordable homes and the developers behind The Green Quarter, Berkeley Group told EALING.NEWS there will be additional affordable homes as part of phases 4-9.


With phases 1-3 either completed or being built, all eyes are towards the future for the site with phases 4-9. Berkeley Group told EALING.NEWS that it always “intended to deliver The Green Quarter in nine phases”.

The property developer has also revealed that the original plans for the site are more than 15 years old and now is an opportunity to revisit and update the plans following housing requirements and changes in London.

In inviting people to take part in the consultation, it said: “The original design work for the masterplan for The Green Quarter started over 15 years ago. Since that time, much has changed. The Mayor of London’s new London Plan in 2021 set a new direction for planning policy in London. This, along with Ealing’s current Local Plan review, which is out for consultation, means that it is time to look again at The Green Quarter and see if the opportunity exists to revisit future phases.”

It added: “We are reviewing the original permission to ensure that we make the best use of the site. The Green Quarter can support many more homes, and – at the same time – deliver wider community benefits for Southall.”

Berkeley Group also added it wants to leave a lasting legacy to Southall: “Phases 4-9 are yet to be delivered and this gives an opportunity to re-imagine and adapt our plans for the future. Our emerging plans for future development will help deliver those aspirations, grow The Green Quarter’s legacy, and mean that more people have a place they can call home, a place they can visit, a place they can enjoy with friends and family, and a place where they can escape to nature.”

The Green Quarter development has been built on land that was once known as Southall Gasworks. Locals living near the area, previously marketed as Southall Waterside, have raised health concerns about the development of the brownfield land but has said the land has been remediated.

Prior to being developed as The Green Quarter, the land was used as a car park for Heathrow Airport.

Nature and the environment are an important part of the development and Berkeley Group says it has been working with London Wildlife Trust.

A Berkeley Group spokesperson told EALING.NEWS: “Berkeley is committed to delivering 13 acres of wetlands, parkland and meadows.  This includes new park Central Gardens,  part of which is already open to the public, and a substantial wetlands being developed in partnership with London Wildlife Trust.”

The spokesperson added: “If approved, these draft plans would bring the total number of homes in The Green Quarter to approximately 7,500, including additional affordable homes. By simply building future phases at a similar density to those already built at The Green Quarter to date, phases 4-9 could deliver the additional homes.”

Locals have until 31 August 2023 to express their views which they can do online here.

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